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Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

Head of the Department
Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Full Professor
Anatoliy I. Bozhkov
Phone: 707-53-40, 707-52-62, room 7-22.
E-mail: Bozhkov[at]unіver.kharkov.ua
Lecturers: room 7-15, Tel 707-52-62
The department of Molecular biology and biotechnology provides training Masters in Biology (091) majoring in molecular biology and biotechnology. Now the need in specialists with broad general biological education and a high level of the practical knowledge in technology has appeared in industry and in agricultures. The Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology trains the specialists of such direction. From 2015 The School of Biology starts training of Bachelors in the field of Biotechnology (162) .
The Department provides general courses "Molecular Biology", "Fundamentals of Biotechnology", "General cytology and histology," "Human Anatomy" for students of faculty of biology and course "Anthropology" for students of psychology faculty.
The department also provides special courses for students majoring in molecular biology and biotechnology: The organization of the genome pro-and eukaryotes, Processes and devices for biotechnology industries, Molecular Cell Biology, Design and use of biosensors, Monitoring and control of biotechnological processes, Engineering and computer graphics, Biotechnology of microalgae, Economics and Organization biotech industries, Cell Technology, Safety and Labor Protection. Laboratory courses: cultivation and molecular biological characteristics of the objects of biotechnology, gene transcription activity analysis, the basics of genetic engineering, molecular diagnostics.
The staff of the department over the past 3 years has published 3 textbooks: "Human anatomy: Atlas", “Biotechnology. Fundamental and industrial aspects" and "Fundamentals of Biochemistry”.
Basic directions of scientific researches of Department are molecular biology and biochemistry of aging, biotechnology (in particular, biotechnology of yeasts and one-celled algae), cyto-ecology (cellular aspects of stress) and theoretical molecular biology. In 2009-2010 four patents were registered by Department stuff, 4 articles were published in professional journals with IF. Department took a part in organization of the International symposium - «Biological mechanisms of aging» (2008) and participated in 14 international conferences.
Best students have the opportunity to continue study as postgraduates and to make thesis in “biotechnology”. Presently one postgraduate student studies at the Department.
History and Present of the Department
The department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology was founded in 2006. From the moment of its foundation the department is managed by Professor A.I. Bozhkov. Stuff of the Department consists of 2 Doctors of Science in Biology (Anatoliy I. Bozhkov and Yuriy G. Shckorbatov) and 1 PhD (Julia A. Kuznetzova). In lecturing take part scientists of Institute of Biology of the Kharkiv National University: Elena Klimova (Dr Sc), Anatoly Goltvyanskiy (PhD), Natalya Menzyanova (PhD), Natalia Kurgusova. |